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weird deadly diseases

weird deadly diseases

The first reported cases in the mid-1970s appear to have been related to the local taste for bush meat, i.e. The … The skin of those who have this disease is elastic and very susceptible to damage and scarring. The lines show up as a v-shape on the back, an s-shape on the front, and weird wavy lines all over your head. Spread by the Tsetse fly, this disease is fairly rare, as long as you do not live in one of the 36 sub-Saharan countries it exists in. African Sleeping Disease jumps ahead of the diseases behind it due to sheer numbers killed, with around 300,000 people dying a year. For these reasons the Ebola virus trumps any current disease to become the deadliest infectious disease on the planet. pyogenes are cocci shaped bacteria that typically colonize the skin and throat areas of the body. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is a rare fatal degenerative disease of the central nervous system. There are several variations of this syndrome — from moderate to severe (fortunately, the latter is very rare)and in cases where the disease doesn't affect the blood vessels, it doesn't really influence life expectancy. Necrotizing fasciitis is a serious infection most often caused by Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria.S. There are thousands of rare diseases—more than 6,800, according to the National Human Genome Research Institute. These growths mainly occur on the trunk, the upper arms and upper legs and are found just below the skin (subcutaneously). Dercum’s disease is an extremely rare disorder characterized by multiple, painful growths consisting of fatty tissue (lipomas). 6. indigenous wildlife. With Glanders, flu-like symptoms quickly … Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease occurs throughout the world at an incidence of one person in a million; however, among certain populations, such as Libyan Jews, rates are somewhat higher. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Wikipedia. Glanders is an extremely rare but deadly bacterial disease transmitted through infected animals and people. Here are 10 in the category of rare autoimmune diseases: ... Devil facial tumour disease. A strange epidemic of contagious cancer has swept through Australia's Tasmanian devils. They think the lines are formed from where the embryonic cells are transported in utero, but the weirdest thing is there are more than nine different diseases that can cause you to be striped like a freaking zebra. 10 Rare Autoimmune Diseases. Guinea Worm 14. The virus spreads from person to person and can invade an infected person’s brain and spinal cord, causing paralysis. Strange and deadly afflictions that can decimate species. Polio was eliminated in the United States with vaccination, and continued use of polio vaccine has kept this country polio-free. Ebola is actually a group of viruses all of which are native to central Africa. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) / CC BY 2.0. Polio is a crippling and potentially deadly infectious disease that is caused by poliovirus. 10 Of The Most Frightening And Deadly Diseases In History Jan 3, 2017 03:49 PM By Dana Dovey @danadovey Any illness can be frightening, but some are arguably scarier than others.

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