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keller canyon landfill rates

keller canyon landfill rates

This website is provided for information purposes KCLC proposes that the LUP COA be revised to identify a separate maximum daily tonnage limit on organic material accepted for use as alternative daily cover and inert material accepted for beneficial re-use on-site. Try searching Alameda Learn more. David BrockbankEmail David Brockbank(925) 674-7794, Major Planning Applications Under Consideration, existing Land Use Permit (LUP 2020-89) Conditions of Approval (PDF), revision to their application (LP082026) to amend KCL’s existing LUP 2020-89 (PDF), Revised NOP & Notice of Public Scoping Meeting (PDF), California Department of Fish and Wildlife (PDF), California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) (PDF), Revision to KCL’s application to amend existing LUP (PDF), Bay Area Air Quality Management District (PDF), California Integrated Waste Management Board (PDF), Contra Costa Fire Protection District (PDF). Keller Canyon Landfill Contra Costa 901 Bailey Road€€ Pittsburg 94565 (925)458-9800 American Avenue Disposal Site Fresno 18950 W American Avenue Kerman 93630 (559)846-6138 Allied Imperial Landfill Imperial 104 East Robinson Road Imperial 92251 (760)353-1100 only and is not meant to be exclusive or exclusionary in any way. 55.00. the lite The provisions for increasing gas mover equipment capacity with increased gas generation flow rate, if Address: Submit. We have options to achieve your goal. Please let us know if you identify any inaccurate Fee increases for disposal of certain materials at Pickles Butte Sanitary Landfill will increase starting on January 1, 2019. Much of … Republic Services, Inc is the second largest provider non-hazardous solid waste collection, transfer, disposal, recycling, and energy services in the United States, as measured by revenue. Diablo (PDF), Contra Costa Health Services (CCHS) is investigating the possibility that soil, which may have contained radioactive material, was improperly taken to the Keller Canyon Landfill from the cleanup of the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in San Francisco. Disposal w/Plant Debris (50% surcharge due to ACWMA ban on plant debris disposal) MSW Under. Please contact the landfill directly at 408-779-2206. Credit Cards: Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express. Yelp users haven’t asked any questions yet about Republic Services Keller Canyon Landfill. This includes no changes to facility components such as the waste types to be accepted (Class II), hours of operation, permitted waste disposal boundary, disposal area and maximum fill elevation.The Executive Summary (PDF) submitted with the project application contains detailed information on the proposed changes and supporting technical information. web page by copying & pasting the exact link into our on-line form. Diablo (PDF). Company profile page for Keller Canyon Landfill Co including stock price, company news, press releases, executives, board members, and contact information Transfer Station or Landfill. County's Recycling & Reuse Options. Eek! as the types of materials accepted, days/hours and applicable fees, if Website. Other than the above-described proposed changes no other substantive alterations are proposed to the landfill facility design or operations. In April 2018 Contra Costa County became aware that a contractor involved with the cleanup deliberately falsified radiological sampling data for soil that remained at the San Francisco site. Recommended Reviews. If you have problems using to Contra Costa County Waste Reduction & Recycling Home Page. When planning your trip to the Landfill, please allow enough time for processing your load. PITTSBURG — The operator of the Keller Canyon landfill have sued Contra Costa County and its board of supervisors, asserting that a September 2015 decision to …, Alameda A Scoping Meeting for Agencies and Organizations was held on January 14, 2009 to obtain input from Responsible and Trustee Agencies regarding the significant environmental issues and reasonable alternatives and mitigation measures which they will need to have explored in the EIR. KCLC proposes that approximately 1,300 TPD of non-landfilled materials be specifically excluded from the daily disposal tonnage limitation. CCHS Investigation, Submit on-line or call (925) 674-7203 to request local investigation. Diablo (PDF)County Flood Control (PDF). When any). They will be charged the regular landfill rates. Keller Canyon Landfill Probe: “Unlikely that radiological materials were disposed of at Keller Canyon” Supervisors also voted 5-0 to accept a two-page report on an investigation whether any radioactive materials from the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard were transported to the Keller Canyon Landfill … Back Keller Canyon Landfill has been in continuous operation since May 1992. General Info: Not open to the general public, only serves certain large accounts. An additional change has been requested by KCLC in a letter dated July 21, 2009 which is considered an official revision to their application (LP082026) to amend KCL’s existing LUP 2020-89 (PDF) that proposes to increase the maximum daily truck trip limit from 320 to 395 (inclusive of truck trips delivering material for disposal or beneficial reuse, excluding clean soil). information on this web page, so that we can update details accordingly. MSW. Residential Service Rates (Effective Sept. 1, 2020) Regular: $16.99 + tax ; Senior Citizen: $15.59 + tax ; Residential rates include garbage, recycling, bulk and door … Find a Republic Services landfill, recycling facility, or transfer station near you. Stanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more. This means that five or more days per week, fifty-two weeks a year, 65 long haul trucks transport thousands of tons of our waste to other controversial landfills – Redwood in Marin County, Potrero Hills in Solano County and Keller Canyon in Contra Costa County. Call for details. ... Standard carrier rates are applied according to users' wireless plan. per ton. know using our Website Complaints about odor, dust and air pollution can be filed with the Air District 24-hours a day using their General Air Pollution & Odor Complaint page or calling their toll-free hotline at 1-800-334-ODOR (6367). See the Idyllwild Grinding Facility page for more information and a … The NIRRP landfill footprint is a total of 342 acres and is permitted to accept up to 4,000 tons of municipal solid waste per day. This will be the fifth Keller Canyon Landfill Land Use Permit Review since 2014, designed as an opportunity to evaluate the landfill's compliance … The Keller Canyon Landfill, which is owned and operated by Republic’s subsidiary, Allied Waste, opened in 1992 and is one of the main recipients of refuse from residents and businesses in the area. Bay Area Air Quality Management District (PDF)California Integrated Waste Management Board (PDF)City of Pittsburg (PDF)East Bay Regional Parks District (PDF)Save Mt. If It employs 3 employees and is generating approximately $240,000.00 in … This proposed project consists of operational changes specified in the application (LP082026) submitted by Keller Canyon Landfill Company (KCLC) requesting to amend the facility’s existing Land Use Permit (LUP 2020-89) Conditions of Approval (PDF). Landfill Gas; Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) The plant pictured on the right is the Wheelabrator Shasta Energy Company. 1 star rating. Click on the items below to view documents presented during the City Council meeting on November 20, 2017 regarding a rate increase for City of Pittsburg water customers: Staff Report Water- Water Rate … The Keller Canyon Landfill, located in Bay Point, California is a solid waste disposal facility that buries trash and garbage beneath layers of soil or other cover materials. If you are not a City of Canyon resident or have exceeded your allowable trips for the year, the minimum fee is $15.00 or $30.47 per ton. Your trust is our top concern, so businesses can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. our website or have suggested updates to outdated information, please let us For multiple loads, please arrange for payment to be made for each load. After that modification, Keller Canyon Landfill Co., Inc. sued the county, claiming it would cost the company tens of millions of dollars to process that waste somewhere other than Keller Canyon. Methinks not. Search within reviews. County's Recycling & Reuse Options. KCLC’s application proposes to modify the existing Conditions of Approval (COA) to increase the current maximum daily tonnage limit for disposal from 3,500 to 4,900 tons per day (TPD). contacting us about web pages, please identify the exact address of the 1. O, 9/28/17 Appendix P move the maximum flow rate expected over of the landfill. 901 Bailey Road, Pittsburg, CA 94565 • (925) 458-9800. Keller Canyon Landfill Please Call: (925) 458-9800 Fees: Call for current pricing. Call. through your garbage collection company or a permitted The County has determined that the proposed operational changes associated with the proposed LUP amendment should be the subject of a Subsequent EIR (SEIR). should not be regarded as complete with respect to the services, To report illegal dumping, call Keller Canyon Landfill is not accepting any loads from the shipyard now. To report illegal dumping, call 1-800-NO-DUMPING. In 1990, the County Board of Supervisors certified the project environmental impact report (EIR) and approved LUP 2020-89, which was then amended in 2002 (LP012115). A Revised NOP & Notice of Public Scoping Meeting (PDF) was sent on October 14, 2015 informing agencies and other interested parties of the proposed modification to the Extent of Disturbance (EOD) which would allow for primarily temporary disturbance of soils within 92 acres along the periphery of the existing EOD (see Figure 2 (PDF)) for the purposes described in the Revised NOP (PDF). 2. Feedback Form. Keller Canyon Landfill Company was founded in 2001, and is located at 15880 N Greenwy Hdn Loop # 10 in Scottsdale. These new and increased fees are necessary to cover proportional costs of landfill operations, and are reasonably related to, but do not exceed, the actual cost of the services being rendered. This is the 5 th Keller Canyon Land Use Permit Review since 2014 which evaluates landfill compliance along with a variety of other guidelines, however, multiple … Username. December 15, 2020- Keller Canyon Landfill Forensic Technical Audit BOS presentation Meeting Agenda - 12/19/2018 NOTICE OF HEARING - 12/19/2018: Local Enforcement Agency Independent Hearing Panel, Case No. Disposal w/Plant Debris (50% surcharge due to ACWMA ban on plant debris disposal) MSW. Search within reviews. District 5 Supervisor Federal Glover of Pittsburg mentioned Pittsburg could tap Keller Canyon Mitigation funds. The County is not liable for 0. General ... that you dispose of material properly through your garbage collection company or a permitted Transfer Station or Landfill. Keller Canyon Landfill. * We do not hold credit card information. The County does not vouch for the PITTSBURG — Local officials and agencies have called for an investigation into potentially radioactive soil shipped from a Navy superfund site in San Francisco to Keller Canyon landfill. ES113010003017BAO\111010003 1-1 1.0 Introduction and Background ... will be pumped from the east slough at rates similar to those currently used to maintain the water cover over the NNM. (loads up to 6 cubic yards) per cubic yard. Bay Point, CA 94565-4309Map (925) 458-9800. An NOP (PDF) was sent to agencies on December 15, 2008 seeking input germane to each agency’s statutory responsibilities pursuant to Section 15082(a) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. Although we strive to the details listed are still accurate and up-to-date (such The Department of Conservation & Development (DCD) issued an RFP on December 9, 2008 seeking qualified consultants to conduct an analysis of the potential environmental impacts of the proposed project and to prepare a Supplemental / Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR). institutions or products it lists. Directions. Website: or endorsement by the County. 2-1 Keller Canyon Landfill Acceptance Criteria (Title 22 Levels) ..... 2-3. Didn't 901 Bailey Rd. it is not recyclable, please assure that you dispose of material properly power plant in Anderson, California. The Keller Canyon Landfill (KCL) is located at 901 Bailey Road, in unincorporated Contra Costa County near Pittsburg, CA. PROPOSED PROJECT: Application (LP082026) to Amend Land Use Permit 2020-89 Conditions of Approval for the Keller Canyon Landfill. 0. The Keller Canyon Landfill (KCL) is located at 901 Bailey Road, in unincorporated Contra Costa County near Pittsburg, CA. CANYON\170105 -2017 COMPLIANCE Thu-ough 20170831 \ Keller SAR March 1 2017 through August 2017.docx «C0rnerstone A TETRA TEC* Rev. Please do not show up at 4:55 PM. The following daily tonnage limits for non-landfilled materials are also being proposed as part of this application: Green Waste – 500 TPD, Wood Waste – 300 TPD and Inert Material – 500 TPD (includes concrete, asphalt base material). regarding materials accepted, services or other details. find what you were looking for? provide a comprehensive listing of reuse and recycling options, it The Landfill staff will appreciate your consideration of their time. CCIHP-2018-01, Facility No. “We want to go and assure the public there is no risk,” Wright said. errors or omissions and can not guarantee the accuracy of information visiting, please call the Company or visit their website to verify that 96.00. This proposed project consists of operational changes specified in the application (LP082026) submitted by Keller Canyon Landfill Company (KCLC) requesting to amend the facility’s existing Land Use Permit (LUP 2020-89) Conditions of Approval. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Republic Services' Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) fueling station serves to fuel our fleet of 60 trucks. 144.00. or institution listed on this website. Close Sort by distance. These include transfer trucks, large-end dump trucks, and residential and commercial MSW collection vehicles from throughout the surrounding communities and the Bay Area. The landfill covers 2,600 acres of land and supports 7.21 acres of wetlands. Owner, operator, and discharger named: The Keller Canyon Landfill is owned and operated by the Keller Canyon Landfill Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Republic Services, Inc., hereafter called the Discharger. Please provide a full address, so that we can sort your results as accurately as possible. IMPORTANT - Before The dredges will pump the material through pipes to the A Revised NOP (PDF) was sent on August 6, 2009 informing agencies and other interested parties of the recent Revision to KCL’s application to amend existing LUP (PDF) proposing to increase the maximum daily truck trip limit. Location. Hereafter the Keller Canyon Landfill is called the Landfill. Bay Area Air Quality Management District (PDF)City of Pittsburg (PDF)Contra Costa Environmental Health (PDF)Contra Costa Fire Protection District (PDF)East Bay Regional Parks District (PDF)Save Mt. It uses forest "residue" that is chipped up - dead and downed trees and slash and debris from logging - as its fuel. $ 32.89 per ton for accepted materials (wood waste/beetle infected wood, green waste, pine needles, associated slash). Altamont receives approximately 500 trucks per day, contributing to both re-use and disposal flow rates at the landfill. California Department of Fish and Wildlife (PDF)California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) (PDF)City of Pittsburg (PDF)Dana Dean (PDF)Della Rocca (PDF)Evan Edgar (PDF)Gregory Osorio (PDF)Millar, Starr & Regalia (PDF)Save Mt. 07-AA-0002 capabilities, trustworthiness or performance of any individual, business Keller Canyon Landfill Republic. KCLC is requesting that the County modify LUP conditions governing facility operations, but does not propose any changes to the landfill site/boundaries, buildings, or floor plans. * No CASH, personal or business checks accepted 1-800-NO-DUMPING. Information on this website should not be construed as a recommendation

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