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eating steak everyday for a month

eating steak everyday for a month

Yet, the approach has become popular as a way for weight loss - especially among people who … In December, I ate pizza for the first time in months, but I didn’t feel bloated, groggy, or sick—probably because I had two slices instead of six.   (He’s also tried his hand at writing: his cookbook, The Carnivore Diet, will be published in April. To help me distill this information, I turned to Stanford University School of Medicine professor (and vegetarian) Christopher Gardner. “I’ve been 98% carnivore since May 2018. In the U.S., beef contributes only 2 percent of overall greenhouse-gas emissions, according to Sara Place, senior director of sustainable beef production research for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. Your body stores toxins in the area where they will cause the least harm. Away on a reporting trip early in the month, I found myself sitting in a roadside motel room, using a plastic fork to pick the protein out of a ten-inch steak sandwich. Two other high-profile devotees of the lifestyle are Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson and his daughter, Mikhaila Peterson, who credits carnivory for sending her severe arthritis, depression, fatigue, and itchy skin into remission. There’s also an insidious, unseen risk that comes with heavy meat consumption: meat is highly anabolic, which stimulates cell growth and boosts metabolism. When in ketosis, your body burns fat. Many people assert that this diet leads to easy weight loss and that it is effortless to follow. I noticed that I was sleeping better, and I felt less sluggish each morning and more energetic in the afternoon, which is normally when I’d be pouring my third or fourth cup of coffee. This can make you sick. Out of curiosity, he went back to his ketogenic diet, which included greens and dairy, but he didn’t feel as good. You have to prepare it on your own. Beef contains carnosine, a potent amino acid. Press the centre of the steak using your thongs to test the doneness. “There’s a lot of people that earn a living by making nutrition complicated,” Baker told me. That morning I had embarked on a dietary mission to eat only meat for 30 days. I repeat, this is not for everyone, and most likely your doctor’s answer will be: “No, absolutely not”. The Ketogenic Diet is a low carbohydrate method of eating. “My inflammation is pretty much gone. Beginning in 2017, he returned to the all-meat diet for good. Even then, he told me, I was looking at the diet the wrong way. I feel more satisfied after meals . Our privacy policy is strict. You can add a few slices of bacon if you like. Nutrition: Is eating steak everyday bad? During the timeout restrict your diet to low or moderate carb intake. For the very first time, I cared about what I put in my body. One in the morning, and the other in the evening. thanks for sharing your insights about this discussion. New diet claims you can lose weight eating only steak and burgers By Suzy Weiss. I can honestly say that I’ve always lost between 12 – 18 lbs in my first week, and then it kind of tapered out during the next week. Hang in there, the difficulties are only temporary. (the formula is: low carbs -> low insulin levels -> nothing to prevent water extraction). Medium rare steak should feel bouncy when pressed.   I never eat too much meat. If they appear, use more salt, or drink some extra salty water. That was essentially the difference. Instead of ordering a steak bowl like I typically do, I skipped the steak and got a veggie bowl, then I added a fried egg. The extreme of the extremes. ... every day for a month to see how it affected their cholesterol. Let me be emphatic: I was not urinating. Beware of the toxins. Although, I can think of much worse diet plans (low-fat high-carb diet, anyone!). Without doubt, this diet cannot be categorized as a healthy life choice. No fruits, vegetables, bread, or sugar, although eggs and fish were fair game. But perhaps the biggest question mark is why exactly some people’s bodies seem to respond so well to the carnivore diet. His diet was low-carb, high-protein, and moderate-fat diet with a lot of green vegetables. It got so bad that eventually I had to take lipase supplements—two capsules before every meal. I relished the simplicity of mealtime, despite the challenge of finding diet-friendly options on certain restaurant menus. Eating Steak on a Heart-Healthy Diet • 1 lb. A breakfast and a dinner. You can choose any other day, I’ve chosen Monday to make things simple to follow: Two identical meals a day. I looked forward to sitting down and reading a chapter of a book between peanut buttery bites of oats. flank steak, sliced into 1/2 inch strips • 1 red pepper, deseeded and sliced into thin strips • 1 green or yellow pepper, deseeded and sliced into thin strips • 1 medium onion, peeled and sliced into thin strips • 3 tablespoons olive oil • 1 tbsp. The method is simple: you have two meals every day. Absence of hunger. I suggest using quality salt. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a8de75c195b69d199f57c30ed27318eb" );document.getElementById("j9d9e13a25").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Get Your FREE REPORT "5 "Healthy Foods" You Should Avoid" now . How Often Should One Eat Red Meat Per Week?. (Hey, it’s a lot for me.) Is There a Connection Between Body Weight and Drug and Alcohol Consumption? Baker and his followers also claim the diet improves sleep, eliminates joint pain, increases energy, decreases weight, and pumps up libido. like twice a month tops. In 2016, Baker tried the carnivore diet for a week, then two weeks, then a month. Blowing up my diet forced me to focus on how my meals were prepared, how much I ate, and whether I felt nourished or bloated afterward. Believe or not using fat as fuel is much more beneficial and sustainable than using glucose. I’m more active. Since then, a cult-like following has branded Baker the unofficial Carnivore King. The body normally produces enough of the enzyme to process the fat. My guts were playing nice, too; no more power-walking to the toilet. I limited how much my work schedule interrupted the meal patterns I was establishing. Coffee is allowed, as long as you keep it to a couple of cups daily. Baker discovered the carnivore diet in 2016, not long after he began noticing the effects of middle age. You can choose one day, Saturday or Sunday, to eat three meals a day, as long as one of the meals is your usual steak and eggs meal. This is indeed quite a very useful article for me as I haven’t imagined that the word “diet” can be used in one sentence with steak and eggs. Basically you went from a high carb/high fat diet to a high protein/low fat one. “I did it for a month and thought, Man, I feel pretty good.” Away on a reporting trip early in the month, I found myself sitting in a roadside motel room, using a plastic fork to pick the protein out of a ten-inch steak sandwich. Frankly, it surprised me. The reason has to do with how the body absorbs and digests fat, according to Teresa Fung, a professor of nutrition at Boston’s Simmons University. As far as drinks are concerned, no soda whatsoever (no diet soda as well). Eating the same meal every morning established a breakfast routine that I didn't have before. It consists exclusively of steak and eggs. Perhaps the biggest question mark is why exactly some people’s bodies seem to respond so well to the carnivore diet. If you are overweight, there you should pay attention not to lose too much fat too fast. Spinach Protects your Heart. Your email address will not be published. Listening to Baker, I couldn’t help thinking about my own poor eating habits, which are at least partially a result of the frenetic nature of my job as a freelancer. Then he tested out a high-fat ketogenic diet. Beef contains the performance enhancer creatine. “We have no evidence that this is a good idea,” John Ioannidis, a clinical epidemiologist and professor of health research and policy at the Stanford School of Medicine, told me. For snacks I ate venison and chicken protein bars. What prevents the state of ketosis is insulin secretion. For the third time in barely an hour, I rushed with the urgency of an Olympic race walker to the closest bathroom. For two years, the 52-year-old weight lifter and trained orthopedic surgeon has eaten an average of four pounds of meat every day. And eating any meat may seem counter intuitive, especially in a month that's seen the horsemeat scandal and the publication of a paper in BMC Medicine saying that a … Even if they’re technically possible, though, medical experts don’t recommend fasts of more than a day or two. So who can use this type of diet and why? Just eat your eggs and steak as indicated. ), While Baker is a happy convert, he’s not a zealot. Be aware of this fact now, or don’t even plan to try this diet. Yet I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like being a carnivore for a month. Posted by 3 years ago. Conjugated linoleic acid. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Thanks for signing up! If you want to give it a try, please check the warning below: Warning: This diet is not balanced. If you are prone to edema in the legs, you will likely notice a reduction in the edema too. However, you are likely to lose that level of productivity on a weekend. The famous professional bodybuilder, Vince Gironda, was one of the first who popularized this diet. A brawny man with a thick neck and a square jaw, and usually tank-topped, he looks abundantly healthy. I have done this diet many times and always gotten amazing weight loss from it. “We have to realize we’re not individual lab data—we’re an entire complex system,” he said. You don’t have to, but you can. Opponents of the diet also bring up the environmental hubris of focusing on a food group that contributes to 14.5 percent of global greenhouse-gas emissions, according to the United Nations. That is, as long as you restrict the carbs. I relayed this to Baker when we spoke at the end of September. I braced myself on the toilet in a state of disbelief—first, at what a single steak breakfast was doing to my body, and second, at my mother for failing to discover the virtues of two-ply toilet paper. The key is choosing lean cuts of meat so you benefit from the nutrients while reducing unhealthy fats. That included Joe and Charlene Andersen, a married couple seemingly lifted from the pages of a fitness magazine, who claimed to have lived on a diet of rib eye steak and spring water for nearly 20 years. That’s why it is important not to eat anything in-between your meals and to be strict to the diet plan. The majority of fluids should be water, pure clean filtered water if you can get it. if any person who is on diet follow these ideas I think he/she will be completed easily his/her diet, WOW! With all the hype about zero carb and carnivorous diets in recent times, this article takes a look at a diet from the 1950’s. However, before you even think about attempting the protocol, consult with your doctor. Rapid weight loss will result in hanging skin. (In May, some online critics singled out Baker after he publicly shared bloodwork revealing that his fasting-glucose level was 127.) “The diarrhea thing is very common,” said Baker, who also recommended that I stick with the diet for 60 to 90 days. Baker’s enthusiasm for the diet soon spread beyond his own life. There’s also the fact that the claims made by Baker and his followers are mainly anecdotal. In fact, I had continued that high fiber diet even after my experiment. After reading about various diets online, he discovered Vince Gironda, a bodybuilding great from the 1950s and 1960s who advocated a curious approach: steak and eggs with a minimal amount of carbs mixed in. One sure tip on the Steak and Eggs diet is to drink at least one (1) gallon of H20 every single day! To prevent the loss of lean body mass, some form of exercise is required. “Then I kind of stumbled across these people that had been doing a carnivore diet for a long time,” he said. Questions remain about the carnivore diet’s effect on the gut microbiome (the healthy bacteria that live in the colon, aid in immune response, and subsist on fiber). Furthermore, it’s not a long term dieting plan. I thought about how it was prepared. I had to find out. I really did feel good. (They declined to comment for this story.) In an interview she did on Rogan’s podcast in August, Mikhaila Peterson said that her bloating and diarrhea persisted for weeks before it sorted itself out. According to the World Health Organization, red meat is associated with higher long-term risk of diabetes and colorectal cancer. And then came the diarrhea. Early in the morning is fine, but you can stretch it up to 10 or 11 am if you like. I used to eat a sandwich for lunch, but I’ve abandoned that, only because it made me sleepy, which led me to drink more coffee. When you lose fat, you release toxins. “I felt best when I was just doing steak and eggs,” Baker said during a video chat in September. No damn counting of calories required. Eating a damn steak sounded simple enough. 3. On the final Saturday of September, I ate four eggs for breakfast and a bunless bacon burger for lunch, then showed up at my brother-in-law’s house with a can of sea salt and ten pounds of meat: four thick strip steaks and four fatty rib eyes. Today, many popular lean cuts of beef, like sirloin steak, top round roast and 95 percent lean ground beef, have only 150 calories on average and are … On a diet like Baker’s, that number skyrockets to nearly 500 grams, flouting the sorts of food guidelines groups like the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommend. At first you lose mostly water, as there are no carbs to provoke insulin response to help keep retain water. Glucose from the carbs you eat causes strong blood sugar fluctuations and crashes that make you hungry very quickly. I talked to a training-buddy about this and he said he is having Steak for dinner every day purely out of convenience. “The more important lesson here is to realize that meat is human food, human nutrition, and it’s probably what we need to make the basis of our nutrition.” Check out our entire suite of free newsletters here. I’m less tired. Please check your mailbox to confirm your subscription! Later that afternoon, after my wife and I arrived at my parents’ place for a visit, my first meal hit me. Choose leaner cuts of steak (opt for "loin" and "round" cuts, which have the lowest amounts of saturated fat) and remove the skin from turkey and chicken. In essence, it is a kind-of a ketogenic diet. “It’s really hard to tease out whether it’s the presence of meat or the absence of other things,” said Gardner, noting that eliminating sugar, junk food, and wheat products—especially white-flour products like pizza, bagels, and cereals—makes us healthier. Gironda’s protocol was very simple. You’ll be eating two meals a day, as opposed to 3, 4, 5 or more meals (including the totally ill-advised snacks) that you’ve likely been eating so far. As for the World Health Organization, Baker pointed to its own literature, which allows that estimating cancer risk associated with red-meat consumption is difficult to do because the evidence that red meat causes cancer isn’t as clear-cut as the evidence that processed meat (your fast-food cheeseburger) does. Despite being a medical professional—he completed his residency in orthopedic surgery at the University of Texas in 2006—he didn’t know how to curb his high blood pressure or manage his weight. I’ve been eating steak and eggs doused in butter everyday for over three years and guess what? As Healthy South Dakota points out, a high-protein diet can mean boosting your protein intake from a typical 10 to 15 percent of daily calories to as much as 30 to 50 percent of your daily calories. “I was basically practicing lifestyle medicine instead of strictly performing surgery,” he told me. As you will be consuming hardly any fiber, you will suffer from constipation. To avoid this, salt your food. Steak might be the go-to food for many meatheads, but a spinach salad can certainly do a lot of good also. Proteins are known to be a couple of times more satiating than the best carbs out there. “I have no intention of saying I’m never going to eat anything else for the rest of my life,” Baker told me in September. I just started telling my story, and people got interested in it,” he said. It might depending if you eat a lot or not. It’s all 0 carbs, no sugar nil on everything that’s bad, and I like to mix my taste buds. Baker was hooked, and Gironda’s diet became his gateway into full-blown carnivorism. Dan: The Bacon Experiment was me eating nothing but bacon for an entire month. Fattier cuts of beef like prime rib and even ribeye, as well as higher-fat dairy products, can cause your calories and daily fat intake to skyrocket. I also weighed the meat I ate and tallied the glasses of water and the cups of coffee I drank. As you are eating almost no carbs, you’ll be shedding a lot of water from your body. It didn’t taste that good to me,” he said. If you want to remove belly fat, you probably won’t need more than say 2 or 3 weeks to see great results. For most of the month, I drank only two cups a day without deliberately trying to cut back. As already said both meals are essentially the same: eggs and steak. You will be more productive and motivated. My brain is back. Unsurprisingly, it’s not hard to find doctors and nutritionists who object. Normally, people consume about 100 grams of protein per day. I definitely missed the steak but I was just happy that I was able to stick to my diet and satisfy my Chipotle cravings. After one month on this diet, blood levels of TMAO were three times higher than when participants were on the diets based on either white meat or non-meat protein sources. of steak (choose fatty meat, like Rib-Eye, New-York Strip, Skirt Steak, T-Bone) and 1-3 whole eggs. And while I lost several pounds—a result of the water content in my body shifting as I got used to a diet without carbohydrates—I never felt famished. Yes, that’s your fat tissue. And then came a fresh onslaught of diarrhea. Archived. The figure cited by the UN is a so-called life-cycle assessment number, which takes into account the feed, fertilizer, and land required to raise not just cattle but other meat-yielding livestock such as pigs and chickens. Whenever you take even a little bit of carbs, the levels of insulin rise, and the ketosis is momentarily blocked. I felt fine: full but not bloated, sated but not groggy. The Steak and Eggs Diet by Vince Gironda is one of the latter approaches. While Baker is generally viewed as the all-meat diet’s chief evangelist, a robust online community of fellow carnivores has emerged. I haven’t worked out one time.” I just bought my first size 6 jeans since I was 20 years old. I like steak, and 30 days of almost nothing but meat did little to ruin my enjoyment of it. Initially, the desire to cheat was strong. So be prepared to crash hard after eating carbs on the free day during weekends. Besides, your body will quickly adapt to burning fat (from the food as well as from your bodily fat supplies) instead of glucose as a primary fuel. Too many toxic substances in your bloodstream can cause serious damage. 7. Now with all the disclaimers in place, let’s take a look at the actual diet. First he went paleo, consuming only meat and produce, and followed that up with a stint on a low-carb diet. When I spoke to Baker in September, he had been on a carnivore diet for more than 18 consecutive months. 9. You can add a few slices of bacon if you like. “I would have been skeptical, too. “Kick those carb and sugar cravings,” he said. I just started the steak and eggs diet myself and I always have this fear in the back of my head if this is really going to kill me. Cayenne pepper is good for weight loss anyway. “It’s been organic and spontaneous. For sure, at lest the first couple of weeks. Repeated studies show that such stimulation can make us age faster. Forget about them. They are designed to bring your body into a state of ketosis. No, quite the contrary. You will have some problems switching to this plan. We keep your email address 100% safe and secure. My colon had become a biodome of water and undigested fat. In fact, it's hard to imagine how you could lose weight just by eating steak and eggs. Every fifth day you eat some carbs to refill your glycogen store. I made sure I ate it in the right quantities. A diet of meat and eggs gets boring pretty quickly. Since eating steak in a healthy way means consuming it in moderation, it might seem like having it every day would be a bad choice. (Fortunately for us, our house has two bathrooms.) He now lives in California and expects to have his medical license reinstated in February. Last May, he offered a critical assessment of the carnivore diet on Rogan’s podcast. The amount of fat I was eating had surpassed my body’s ability to break it down. Glucose is the body’s preferred fuel, but in the absence of glucose-rich carbs, it turns to the fattiness of meat for energy. Beef is very simple to make. And, it is definitely not a viable long-term diet plan. The other two meals you are free to eat what you want. When I brought up his higher fasting glucose, he pointed out that he’s not diabetic, citing a study that suggested high-performance athletes who wore continuous glucose monitors routinely registered very high blood sugar levels. Condiments and herbs, I chop up five leaves of basil and it’s say 0 gram of carbs on my eggs and same with Frank Hot Sauce, Lemmon pepper on my steak, would these affect my diet? Interesting diet!!! “As soon as you’ve met your capacity for other things, amino acids from protein will turn into glucose,” Gardner said. When I first announced to my family in August that I was going to eat meat for 30 days, the only real reaction I got was from my mother, who was convinced I would become violently ill. Granted, the stretches of time I spent in her bathroom on September 1 did nothing to assuage her fears. When I reached him by Skype, he was animated and engaging, and very open to talking about how much carnivory had changed his life. You have to count calories only if you eat the wrong types of food, like sugars, processed foods, and carbs. About 125 novice and longtime dieters have shared their stories at, a website Baker publishes. When on the red meat diet, the participants consumed roughly the equivalent of 8 ounces of steak daily, or two quarter-pound beef patties. 10 Homemade Espresso Recipes with a Professional Espresso Machine, How to Cleanse Your Colon the Natural Way by Using Healthy Drinks, Pomelo Juice and Cardio Workouts: My Allies in My Journey to End Obesity. But prior to beginning my all-meat-all-the-time grubfest, I asked Baker if he had any advice. But prior to beginning my all-meat-all-the-time grubfest, I asked Baker if he had any advice. During the final week of September, I noticed consistently rising fasting-glucose readings: 95, 106, 96, 100, 102. I still eat a steak every now and then. For his nearly 60,000 Instagram followers, Baker routinely posts success stories of folks who embraced animal protein and found nutritional nirvana. No juice either. Cautions of Eating Medium Rare Steak Low-carb diets, like paleo diet, are known to cause constipation. It is extreme. Subscribe to our newsletters to stay up-to-date on the latest outdoor news. According to Baker, red meat tends to be favored by carnivore dieters: after all, a fatty rib eye is more flavorful than bland chicken. Later on I encountered another snag. He said that while the human body can store a few pounds of carbohydrates and boasts an endless capacity for holding on to fat, it doesn’t store protein. Tip: Drink enough pure clean filtered water to help you with your constipation! Who doesn’t love steak and eggs? “So many people have distanced themselves from a healthy relationship with food that all of a sudden they’re saying, ‘Fuck it, I’m just going to eat one food group.’”. Once I figured out my bowel troubles, continuing with the diet was a cinch. Goldstein, who runs a website dedicated to carnivory called, eats 2-2.5lb of “very rare” rib-eye steak each day, at a cost of about $400 a month. Hi Lee. “I think it’s fine to be skeptical,” Baker explained. I'll try to keep it short, but this a vast and mostly controversial subject (for the sheeple are plenty). I don't eat out. You’d better had a lot of it. But after a week I was pretty well acclimated and enjoying a satisfying mix of chuck, strip, and rib eye steak. Hey guys im changing up my meal plan a bit to the foods i like that way i can stick with the plan. It IS for you if you’d like to lose weight very fast. /r/keto is place to share thoughts, ideas, benefits, and experiences around eating within a Ketogenic lifestyle. Along with the water, however, you will lose the electrolytes. Two pounds of bacon, or roughly 30 pieces, every day. And a simple search for #MeatHeals on Instagram yields some 50,000 posts. Consult with your physician as to what would be the most effective way to deal with these toxins. You don’t have to, but you can. How does this work for women? This could easily go to 2000 calories a day for a woman and wouldn’the that ruin any hope of weight loss? Beef is very affordable. If you do eat a lot everyday, it is normal but if you don't I guess it's just problems with your stomach on something else. Beef is full of vitamins. The key is to start with quality meat and don’t overcook it ( steak cuts being the best choice ). To inspire active participation in the world outside through award-winning coverage of the sports, people, places, adventure, discoveries, health and fitness, gear and apparel, trends and events that make up an active lifestyle. Yet another problem is depletion of bodily electrolytes. Over the course of the day, protein helps make and repair cells, produce enzymes, and complete various other tasks. Like a lot of diets, the most difficult part is sticking with it when you aren’t near your own kitchen. Each meal consists of 5-12 oz. After a while you can count the pounds of lost weight if you insist on counting anything. My favorite is the Pink Himalayan salt. This particular way of eating may not work for you but it most certainly works for me. Keep it the way it’s presented. There are more than 25,000 members of the World Carnivore Tribe group on Facebook. Ketogenic diets by definition are high fat, low carb diets. You might feel brain fog, fatigue, and other symptoms. If you take your first meal around 10 am, and your last around 5 pm, from 5 pm to 10 am the next morning you are effectively fasting for whole 17 hours. “It was like, I don’t really enjoy all this salad anyway. Without sugar. ... 9 Benefits of Eating Strawberries Everyday. should i have expected a little more weight loss. You should feel fully satiated for at least three hours afterward. I don’t think I will ever go full carnivore again. My cravings for other foods subsided. Try switching it to other meats like chicken or pork. The dinner should be no later than 7 pm. It can even make you sick. Seasonings were salt, onion powder, and garlic powder. While working as an orthopedic surgeon in New Mexico, he began discussing diet with patients suffering from osteoarthritis and other conditions. That’s not the healthiest option either. The other reason is intermittent fasting. Here are nine superb benefits of eating strawberries on a regular basis. That seemed to make sense: you’re not getting any fiber. I only eat twice a day and each meal consists of an 8oz steak and four eggs. Usually, once fat hits the small intestine, signal molecules tell the pancreas to secrete lipase, a fat-digesting enzyme. That being said, you shouldn’t expect to lose weight too fast as well. Go ahead with it. If you eat veggies and healthy fats, like the fats in pastured eggs and organic beef, you can safely disregard the calorie count. There certainly isn’t for me. “If you would’ve asked me two years ago, I would’ve said, ‘That’s fucking crazy,’” Baker told Rogan while explaining his daily menu. Close. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans advise that red meat is a nutrient-rich food to include in your diet. Now let’s go straight to the protocol. I hope you will enjoy it as much as we did! Just make sure to incorporate some fiber into you carb day. lol neat is needed every day but not steak everyday you would just get bored of it. And I feel good. Your body has to be prepared to excrete, or oxidize those toxins – otherwise they will affect your kidneys, liver, and brain. Cream is allowed.   Among my staples: pizza, burritos, burgers, and coffee—sometimes as many as five cups a day. In that case this diet should be practiced in phases, a couple of weeks of dieting with timeouts in between. Health professionals have many concerns about the diet—both for what it omits (vitamins, fiber) and for the rising risk of longterm diseases that can result from excessive red-meat consumption. It all sounded wonderful. i started this diet 3 days and so far lost only 2 pounds. That’s it. All i had was steaks, eggs, some bacon, black coffee, water. The dinner should be no later than 7 pm. I immediately called dibs on a strip and a rib eye, two juicy pounds we cooked to medium rare on the grill. But for one month, I was very deliberate about the food I put into my body. It began to decline because scientists made the connection between cholesterol and saturated fat … I’m so glad to see othes having success with this diet as Vince Gironda did back in the 1950’s. “I truly believe that there isn’t one diet for everybody.”

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